Saturday, February 27, 2010

News and Media week end post

There was another disastrous earth quake in today world an earth quake ranging 9.8 hit the country known as Chile. 700 people were fount dead after the earth quake the Chilean government said that there are expected 1000 of people dead. many people are in despot knead of help but many people are arguing the fact that many people are in the Caribbean island known as Haiti. So it would be very difficult to put allot of attention toward Chile, also Chile have more money because there are the second capital for salmon and they would be an increase for salmon price because people would be depending on Norway for salmon. Click here for more info.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Education weekend post

I have a problem because the MTA is thinking about raising the fee to $3.00 and today in NY cannot afford that because many people are affected by the budget cuts our economy are facing. i think that the MTA board should take into consideration that many people cannot afford this and it can affect education because board of education may not have enough money in the bank to pay for the millions of children who take public transportation.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Education weekend post

For the whole week board of education gave a brake to all students mid winter vacation for my vacation i tried to do all my home work which i was very successful in but i think i could have don a better job. Next time i hope to put more time and effort. I also wanted to talk about the young children in Haiti who can not attend school because there school have been distroyd by the earthquake many children who want to have a bright feautre in education is being put on hault but many people/ teachers are trying to open small camps that would help these young people get an education. Children of Haiti

Sunday, February 7, 2010


i think that tasers are very very letal wepons and it shouldnt be around children i say so because it can kill minor children

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Justice can Hurt week end post

I belief that if an innocent child gets involved in brawl and law enforcement gets involved they shouldn't use weapons that are capable of pa . A taser is a non-lethal self-defense weapon that uses compressed nitrogen to shoot two tethered needle-like probes at an assailant in order to deliver an electric shock. I belave that if an officer want to use an object to stop any type criminal behaviour they should use peper spray expecialy if they are high school students.